As a Better Call Saul fan, I can’t ignore the new flavour that is coming to Cinnabon.
Since August 24, Cinnabon has been selling two Japanese flavours in Japan, called 和ごころ/wa ɡokoɾo/, it represents”Japanese mind” in Japanese.

One of the options is 黒蜜きなこ*ボン/kuɾomitsu kinako bon/, which uses a classic mini-bun, spread with a creamy black honey cream cheese frosting, and sprinkled with kinako powder on top, as a nod to Japanese flavors. This Cinnabon combines the flavors of cinnamon and black honey for a deliciously deep flavour.
*黒蜜 /kuɾomitsu/ is a type of sweet syrup used in Japanese and Western sweets, made by boiling sugar and malt together. きなこ /kinako/ is a powder made from roasted and ground soybeans, commonly used in Japanese sweets and snacks.

The other option is 宇治抹茶*生チョコボン /udʒi mattʃa nama tʃoko bon/, which features a special Uji matcha cream cheese frosting made with fragrant Uji matcha powder. This frosting has a deep flavour and a hint of sweetness that pairs perfectly with a mini chocolate bon. The green tea ganache used for the topping adds a slightly bitter Japanese touch that enhances the overall taste.
*宇治抹茶/udʒi mattʃa/ is a high-quality powdered green tea produced in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Compared to other matcha, Uji matcha has a rich umami taste and aroma, as well as a unique flavour. It is widely used in various dishes such as Japanese sweets and matcha lattes, and is known as one of Japan’s traditional tastes.
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