If you enjoy 納豆 Natto, I highly recommend trying a healthy and delicious Japanese dish I call 納豆豆腐汁/nattoː toːfu dʒiɾu/.
Literally, it is fermented soybeans and Tofu soup.
納豆 Natto /nattoː/
納豆 Natto /nattoː/ is a traditional Japanese fermented food made from soybeans and is considered to be very nutritious. However, because of its unique smell and stickiness, some people may have mixed feelings about it. So, I hardly ever see foreigners who can eat 納豆 because of the smell.
豆腐 Tofu /toːfu/
豆腐 Tofu /toːfu/ is also one of Japan’s traditional foods made from soybeans and is known as a healthy food. Tofu is made by boiling soybeans and then extracting the soy milk, which is then coagulated. Tofu is used in a variety of cooking methods and is used in various dishes such as soups, salads, stir-fries, and more.
How to cook?
When you have no appetite, it’s easy to eat and cook. You don’t need to use gas stoves or microwaves. Just dump everything into a bowl.
- A cucumber
- Japanese ginger (Myouga)
- A pack of Tofu
- A pack of Natto
- A spoon of miso
- A spoon of liquid stock
- A cup of water
- Cut a cucumber and a piece of Japanese ginger.
- put some water, liquid stock and miso into a bowl.
- Chuck Tofu, cut cucumber, Natto and Japanese ginger in the bowl.
Mix up everything, we call that Gucha Gucha Mazeru (mix them up in a messy way) in Japanese.
Delicious!!! (for people who like Natto…!)
If you want to eat rice, mix rice instead of Tofu.
Soybeans are a highly nutritious food and are recommended for daily consumption. However, it is important to avoid excessive intake and aim for a moderate amount. As a guideline, consider consuming one pack of natto and half a block of Tofu.
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