10 Basic Sushi Ingredients

Tokyo has a wide variety of sushi restaurants to choose from, ranging from chain restaurants to high-quality establishments. While each restaurant may differ in its offerings, there are certain basic ingredients that are used across the board. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about ordering sushi at any restaurant you choose to visit.

鮨小路 京 (Sushi koji kyou) in Nippori station. From left: tuna, squid salmon, yellow tail, egg, shrimp, scallop and cooked salmon.

10 Common and Popular Sushi Ingredients

マグロ(鮪) /maɡɾo/ Tuna

Tuna is the most basic but delicious ingredient for Sushi. マグロ is a red part of tuna. 中トロ /tʃuːtoɾo/ is also a part of tuna, but it is milder, richer and more expensive than usual マグロ. 大トロ /oːtoɾo/ is the richest and fattiest part of tuna.

Negitoro is a also tuna that consists of chopped tuna and spring onions.

サーモン(鮭)/saːmon/ Salmon

Salmon is also a popular ingredient, just like tuna. The good thing about Salmon is that its flavour remains relatively stable, whether at a cheap or luxury restaurant.

エビ(海老)/ebi/ Shrimp

Shrimp, which is popular for its firm texture when eaten, is often paired with avocado or onion. It is delicious both on its own and when combined with other ingredients.

*When you are interested in the description of onomatopoeia for bouncy shrimp, please refer to the below post, too.

イカ(烏賊)/ika/ Squid

Whether raw or cooked, you can enjoy its deliciousness. The meat is thinly sliced, and its texture, flavour, and sweetness are all refined. It is not a super popular ingredient, but squid is a must when eating Sushi

イクラ /ikuɾa/ Salmon roe

Shiny and the luxurious appearance made us excited. When you put it in your mouth, the smooth texture transforms into a chewy and pop texture as you bite down, creating an indescribable pleasure.

ハマチ /hamatʃi/ Young yellowtail

It is known for its delicious, mildly flavoured, and oily flesh. The young yellowtail is a type of fish that changes its name depending on its size. That system is similar to changing titles when getting promoted, reflecting its success in the culinary world, so ハマチ is called successful fish.

ブリ /buɾi/ Yellowtail

ブリ is a grown version of ハマチ. It is also oily, fluffy and delicious. During winter, yellowtail is very fatty and is one of the premium ingredients.

ホタテ(帆立)/hotate/ Scallops

It is sweet, firm, and delicious. However, scallops are often expensive, but it is an ingredient I want to eat when I come to a sushi restaurant.

タイ(鯛) /tai/ Sea bream

Sea bream is a type of sushi that can be eaten by everyone because it has no odour, even among white fish. Since it has no raw fish smell, the aftertaste is good.

ウニ(雲丹)/uni/ Sea urchin

Sea urchin, the deliciousness of which varies from restaurant to restaurant. Generally, alum-processed sea urchins are used. Since alum-processed sea urchins have a bitter taste, it seems that in recent years, additive-free sea urchins such as salted sea urchins have been available. Often, in cheap restaurants, the flavour of alum is too strong.

How to Choose Sushi Ingredients?

If you are unsure what to order in Sushi restaurants, try some of those above ten ingredients. Most Sushi restaurants must have them, and also they are worth eating.

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