I started running three weeks ago. My running form is horrible, I’m fatter in shape, and my running figure in the window is ugly compared to when I was young and played basketball. I was so disappointed at the beginning.
Because of the extra fat I stored for a decade, my body immediately changed and my jeans became already loose after three weeks. My weight has not significantly changed, but the shape of my body changed. Still, my running figure is ugly and I’m slow, though.
While I’m running, I think about how running and language learning are similar. When I started learning English six years ago, I believed that I could speak if there was a foreigner in front of me. However, when I entered the English class and met a foreign teacher, I couldn’t even say “How are you?”
Similar to the experience mentioned above, prior to starting my running journey, I made numerous excuses like, “I can begin running at any time,” “My weight is relatively safer compared to others,” or “I lack appropriate running attire.” However, when I finally started running, I wore just jeans and a cotton shirt, which were not suitable for running. It was then that I realized the important thing that I had forgotten how to run.
After taking the initial steps in language learning and running, I gained clarity on what needed to be done. To improve my English skills, I focused on expanding my vocabulary, understanding grammar systems, and improving my pronunciation. As for running, I worked on building my stamina to be able to run at least one kilometre. Currently, I am able to run four kilometres. From a marathon hobbyist’s point of view, the distance may still be short, but my body will still change and I’m sure I’ll be able to run long distances if I keep going.
In this post, I talked about myself, but I will share the Japanese proverb with the same meaning “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
/senɾi no mitʃi mo ippo jori/
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
The Japanese proverb “千里の道も1歩より” translates to “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This proverb emphasizes the importance of taking the first step, no matter how long the journey may seem. It encourages individuals to start small and gradually work towards their goals. Just like the proverb suggests, every great accomplishment starts with a single action, no matter how small it may be.
/toːki ni ikuniwa kanaɾazu tʃikaki yoɾi su/
The meaning of this phrase is “To accomplish things, you must proceed steadily by following a sequence and starting with what is closest at hand.” In other words, it implies that it is futile to attempt high-level tasks without a solid foundation.
/ɡodʒuː no tou mo ʃita kaɾa kumu/
五重の塔 /ɡodʒuː no tou/, the Five-Storied Pagoda (stupa) is a tower built in five layers, representing the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and void. It symbolizes a place where the heavens and the earth are connected, and where the spirits of the deceased can pass through. It is a tower used to bury the remains and belongings of Lord Buddha and esteemed monks. Even a splendid Five-Storied Pagoda explains the process of building it from the bottom up, teaching that when you want to achieve something great, you should start from the foundation.
/kjuːsou no utena mo ɾuido yoɾi okoɾu/
This is a Chinese version of the example of the Five-Storied Pagoda (stupa) from Lao Tzu. In building a 9-story structure, we always start from the small pieces. The stacking of small pieces ultimately becomes a metaphor for creating something great.
Similar expressions in English
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
- Step by step one goes a long way.
- He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.
- Step after step the ladder is ascended.
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