We often heard that the Japanese working environment is considered damaging to employees because of complex rules and overworking. To avoid overworking, and having a good job environment, let’s get to know about Japanese working environment. Also, to join a better company, you should know the specific terms of job advertisement that the black companies usually use.
Complex rules in Japanese work environment
A major reason why many people find Japanese work culture challenging is because they place a lot of importance on following rules and looking a certain way. They highly value sticking to established ways of doing things and having a clear hierarchy, which can make work environments inflexible and strict. Unfortunately, this can limit creativity and innovation, preventing new ideas and progressive thinking.
Form obsession
For example, it is common for companies to focus on using a specific app or format, like Acrobat Pro and Excel files, even for documents with just a few comments. This excessive focus on appearance rather than functionality can result in wasting time and effort on insignificant details, which can reduce efficiency and productivity. The simplest way is by giving me an e-mail or handwritten memo.
Multiple files for a couple of directions
Another example of this can be seen in the excessive use of multiple files and data formats to convey simple instructions. Companies may overcomplicate tasks, causing confusion and unnecessary complexity. This adherence to a complex approach can hinder practicality and efficient communication within the workplace.
Making it simpler is important
The demanding nature of Japanese work culture, with its emphasis on rules, appearances, and hierarchy, can have negative effects on employees’ well-being. The obsession with form over function can stifle creativity and innovation, leading to inefficiencies and reduced productivity. Additionally, the excessive use of multiple files and complex approaches for simple tasks can create confusion and hinder effective communication. It is important for organizations to recognize these issues and strive for a more balanced and flexible work culture that promotes employee well-being and encourages new ideas and efficient practices.
How to avoid overworking in Japan?
If you are aiming to secure employment in Japan, it is crucial to carefully examine job advertisements to avoid the risk of overworking. Familiarizing yourself with common keywords used in advertisements by black companies is essential.
If you find the key words below in the job advertisement, you need to be aware of the risk of overworking.
裁量労働制 Sairyou-rodo sei
discretionary labour system
The discretionary work system is a system where predetermined working hours are used instead of actual working hours.
The salary is determined upfront and there is no overtime pay even if you work extra hours. This system is not necessarily flawed, as many creative jobs do not measure success based on the number of working hours. However, work styles can be demanding.
For example, you are supposed to work eight hours a day on weekdays. Even if you work three or 10 hours on any given day, you will still be paid your monthly wages according to the presumption that you have worked eight hours daily.
みなし残業代 Minashi-zangyo dai
deemed overtime payments
Deemed overtime is used with a discretionary labour system, a wage system in which a fixed amount of overtime is included in the basic salary for a certain amount of overtime work every month, regardless of actual working hours.
For example, if you find that in ads, “Monthly income 250,000 yen (40 hours of deemed overtime),” the monthly income includes 40 hours of overtime and becomes “you work about two hours overtime every day, but your salary doesn’t increase.”
In this way, it is important to note that companies with discretionary work systems and deemed overtime payments may not pay overtime payments based on the assumption that overtime work occurs daily.
未経験者歓迎 Mikeiken-sha kangei
Inexperienced person welcome
When the job ad says, “Inexperienced person welcome,” you should know your career plan because everyone can do that job without skills and qualifications. You will gain nothing in your career path.
学歴不問 Gakureki fumon
No academic background
The reason is similar to “inexperienced person welcome.” The company might have a shortage, and everyone can do the job. It could be a harsh work environment.
すぐに働けます Suguni hatarakemasu
You can work right away
“You can work right away” sounds lovely for people who need to work immediately and get the money paid. However, it shows a labour shortage, and they don’t take the time to consider hiring employees. You should apply for this job if necessary, but if you want to think about your career from a long time perspective, I don’t recommend doing it.
At home atmosphere
It shows that the company doesn’t have a specific strength, and they don’t have any labour systems.
20代が活躍中 Nijyu-dai ga katsuyakuchu
Mainly composed of employees in their 20s
It looks like a fresh and passionate company with youth. But, the company might have a high turnover ratio of employees. Also, the management is unmatured due to ungrown middle-class employees.
成長できる職場 Seicho dekiru shokuba
The company that makes you further grown
There is a possibility that the quota is tight. If you don’t achieve the company’s required level, they might throw you away quickly.
年間休日105日以下 Nenkan-kyujitsu 105 nichi ika
Less than 105 days off per year
The minimum number of days off per year is 105 days. There is a possibility that the company has a management stance of trying to overuse workers to the limit.
If you decide to take a national holiday or vacation, the company should provide at least 120 yearly holidays. If the company says providing more than 125 days, it could be classified as a white company.
Be careful with foreign words such as “consulting” and “solution.”
Sometimes, companies use unclear titles such as “solution sales rep” and “consultant sales rep.” These words can mean you are trying to get customers through an impossible sales method, such as walk-in sales.
If you work over 80 overtime hours, it would help to think about your next job. The risk of “Karoshi” increases by working more than 80 hours.
Some people can work 100 hours of overtime a month, but not everyone. Some people get mental damage even when working less than 80 hours of overtime.
That’s why there is a labour guideline. However, it isn’t easy to find a white company, and there is a possibility that you will find a worse situation.
Find a company that makes you happy by reading reviews of former employees and job ads.
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